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Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers 2021 by Saddam Sir

Saddam Sir

Sat, 27 Jul 2024

Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers 2021 by Saddam Sir

The second part. Be sure to check out the first party before taking the test. Fiverr English Basic Skills Test Answers

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

  • Mr. Williams introduced us to Peter, a new student from Denmark.
  • Mr. Williams introduced us to Peter a new student from Denmark.
  • Mr. Williams introduced us to Peter a new student, from Denmark.
  • Mr. Williams, introduced us to Peter a new student from Denmark.


For stronger bones, your son should drink ____ milk.


  • a
  • the
  • a lot of
  • that


It’s a nice house, ____ it’s not my top choice.


  • so
  • nor
  • or
  • but


Professor Grant thought the presentation was _______ unacceptable.



I’d like a coffee ____ a tea.


  • except for
  • instead of
  • in case of
  • on top of


The entire room is reserved for ___.


  • we
  • our
  • us
  • ourselves


Bruce studied hard, ____ he thought the exam was easy.


  • or
  • while
  • so
  • since


The security guard stopped the thief ____ stealing two sweaters.


  • from
  • of
  • in
  • with


I’ve made arrangements ______ at a five-star resort.


  • to stay
  • for staying
  • on staying
  • in staying


____ bag ripped because it was too full.


  • He
  • His
  • Him
  • Himself


I was ____ surprised that my contract was renewed.


  • very
  • much
  • a lot
  • many


Aunt Ann walked ____ for one hour.


  • quick
  • abrupt
  • brisk
  • briskly


My brother’s sense of humor is nothing ____ mine.


  • like
  • as
  • than
  • on


Georgia ______ there for 15 years.


  • is working
  • works
  • working
  • has worked


Charlie’s letter ____ that he was homesick.


  • inferred
  • designated
  • implied
  • involved


We should _____ the meeting at 8 a.m. sharp.


  • start
  • starting
  • started
  • be starting


Try to _____ in on what the author is saying in the article.


  • sharpen
  • look
  • home
  • hone


It wasn’t _____ film of the year, but it still won _____.


  • the best, awards
  • best, awards
  • best, much awards
  • the best, the awards


We’ll stay at Grandma’s house ____ our visit.


  • during
  • in
  • along
  • through


After the party ____ we should head home.


  • ,
  • .
  • ;
  • !


My flight is delayed because the aircraft ______ yet.


  • isn’t arriving
  • hasn’t arrived
  • isn’t arrived
  • doesn’t arrive


I _____ into an old friend from high school last night.


  • ran
  • run
  • was running
  • had run


We have ____ food to feed the entire family.


  • any
  • plenty of
  • many
  • few


The ______ new house had a finished basement with a wine cellar.


  • Johnson’s
  • Johnsons’
  • Johnsons
  • Johnsons’s


Next August, the entire cast ______ to France for the premiere.


  • had traveled
  • was traveling
  • traveled
  • will travel


I’ve loved reading _____ I was just 5 years old.


  • because
  • though
  • after
  • since


We’ll need five more plates _____ what we already have.


  • on
  • next to
  • past
  • in addition to


The plumber ____ us if we’d had problems with the sink before.


  • asked
  • had asked
  • asks
  • is asking


_____ neighborhood has the best school district?


  • Which
  • Who
  • Why
  • Where


I hope the weather clears up so we __________ for a walk.


  • will have went
  • have went
  • will go
  • can go


How will the organization be ______ by these changes?


  • effective
  • affective
  • effected
  • affected


It was a _____ that we both arrived at the same time.


  • coincidence
  • irony
  • happening
  • fate


_____ are organizing the potluck dinner.


  • We
  • Us
  • Our
  • Ours


A ___ of my colleagues attended the conference, so I wasn’t alone.


  • little
  • some
  • few
  • many


How will the weather ____ the construction project?


  • affect
  • effect
  • threat
  • realize


Miriam skipped the party ____ she was ill.


  • because
  • where
  • if
  • so


The historic home ______ 100 years ago.


  • has been constructed
  • is being constructed
  • was constructed
  • is constructed


If you leave the bread out, it _______ become stale.


  • would
  • would have
  • will
  • had


The students must walk in an _____ fashion.


  • ordered
  • order
  • ordering
  • orderly


The train is never on time when I ______ late.


  • am running
  • ran
  • will run
  • will have ru


Yesterday, the entire family ______ their gifts at the same time.


  • opened
  • opening
  • is opening
  • open


Today’s heat is just too much to ______.


  • bear
  • beer
  • bare
  • give


We must leave now because we have _____ time to spare.


  • little
  • few
  • a few
  • less


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?


  • You didn’t finish the homework did you?
  • You didn’t finish the homework, did you?
  • You didn’t finish, the homework did you?
  • You didn’t finish the homework did, you?


______ should we go when the assembly is over?


  • Where
  • What
  • Who
  • Whether


Billy can publish anything on his blog ________ it’s true.


  • whereas
  • so that
  • wherever
  • as long as


We have to turn _____ all phones during dinner.


  • off
  • out
  • for
  • with


_____ James _____ Jessie are getting promoted.


  • Whether, or
  • As much, as
  • Both, and
  • Just as, so


If ______ my help, you can reach me at my desk.


  • you had needed
  • you have needed
  • you would need
  • you need


_____ time should we start the meeting?


  • When
  • Who
  • What
  • Why


If you’re not feeling well, ______ come to the office.


  • you should not
  • you will have
  • you have
  • you would have


Kim suggested _____ at 5 p.m. to discuss our progress.


  • to meeting
  • of meeting
  • meeting
  • for meeting


_____ the avocados have gone bad.


  • Some of
  • A little of
  • Enough
  • Any


Roger needs a minute to catch his ______.


  • wind
  • air
  • breathe
  • breath


I only packed three shirts ____ a red one, a black one, and a green one.


  • .
  • ;
  • ,
  • :


I don’t recall ______ anything about extra time off.


  • hearing
  • of hearing
  • in hearing
  • to hear


Don’t forget to take your wallet ____ you.


  • on
  • with
  • at
  • for


William sat ____ me during the play.


  • toward
  • beside
  • circa
  • for


____ meal comes with a bowl of _____.


  • The, soup
  • An, soup
  • An, the soup
  • The, a soup


We ______ to tour the campus next week.


  • went
  • are going
  • will have gone
  • gone


You know how to scramble eggs, _____?


  • doesn’t you
  • won’t you
  • don’t you
  • do you


How much _______ when you checked in for the flight?


  • your suitcase did weigh
  • did weigh your suitcase
  • did your suitcase weigh
  • weigh did your suitcase


This store is closed ___ We should try another place


  • ,
  • .
  • :


Samantha decided to turn on the ceiling fan _____ it was too warm.


  • because
  • unless
  • and
  • therefore


We bought ____ food this week.


  • fewer
  • less
  • lesser
  • lower


The jam is on ______ of the fridge.


  • an top shelf
  • top shelf
  • the top shelf
  • each top shelf


Carla needs more ____ before she takes ____ exam.


  • of the sleep, the
  • sleep, a
  • of the sleep, a
  • sleep, the


Justin still ______ yet.


  • hasn’t apologized
  • wasn’t apologized
  • isn’t apologized
  • hasn’t apologizing


Jerry has six daughters, and ____ all live in Las Vegas.


  • them
  • they
  • they’re
  • their


Carrie is an introvert and tends _____ shy with new people.


  • to be
  • being
  • on being
  • in being


The gift with the red bow is ____


  • yours
  • your’s
  • yours’
  • your’s’


You shouldn’t carry ____ much cash when you travel abroad.


  • thus
  • such
  • to
  • so


Make sure you learn every client’s name _____ you can introduce them to each other.


  • unless
  • so that
  • if
  • then


The recent cold weather is the _____ reason for the decline in occupancy.


  • most
  • extreme
  • primary
  • highest


As usual, Mr. Park had _____ for breakfast before he left for _____.


  • the coffee, the work
  • coffee, work
  • coffee, the work
  • a coffee, a work


After _____, I rode my bicycle to work.


  • to eat
  • that eat
  • eating
  • that eating


The _____ largest gym has both a steam room and a sauna.


  • hotel
  • hotels’
  • hotels
  • hotel’s


Many of the employees complained ______ the management over low pay.


  • at
  • to
  • around
  • over


Building a new wing for the hotel is impossible. We have _________ the funds.


  • either the land or
  • both the land and
  • neither the land nor
  • not only the land but also


It wasn’t _____ play Ms. Yee had ever seen, but it was _____ one.


  • best, the good
  • the best, good
  • the best, the good
  • the best, a good


Peter lost control of his car and just missed crashing _____ a wall.


  • into
  • on
  • with
  • to


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?


  • The emperor was wearing no clothes which was quite obvious to Beverly.
  • The emperor, was wearing no clothes which was quite obvious to Beverly.
  • The emperor was wearing no clothes which, was quite obvious to Beverly.
  • The emperor was wearing no clothes, which was quite obvious to Beverly.


Max was completely _____ with trying to complete his dissertation.


  • fed up
  • interested
  • excited
  • upset


_____ at high elevation contains less _____.


  • The air, the oxygen
  • Air, the oxygen
  • The air, oxygen
  • Air, oxygen


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?


  • Ms. Giardi arrived before we did didn’t she?
  • Ms. Giardi arrived, before we did, didn’t she?
  • Ms. Giardi arrived before we did, didn’t she?
  • Ms. Giardi arrived before we did. Didn’t she?


We didn’t use all of the gasoline, so the _____ should be enough to get you to the station.


  • residual
  • left
  • remnant
  • remainder


I often dream _____ traveling to foreign countries.


  • on
  • over
  • of
  • in


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?


  • The watch with the black dial was repaired and returned.
  • The watch, with the black dial was repaired and returned.
  • The watch, with the black dial was, repaired and returned.
  • The watch with the black dial was repaired, and returned.


It remains unclear whether it is more _____ to attract new customers or to retain existing ones.


  • profit
  • profiting
  • profitable
  • profit


The picture was taken by an artist _____ name I can’t remember.


  • his
  • whose
  • which
  • their


The driver was able to repair the tire, _____ there were tools in the trunk of the car.


  • although
  • whether
  • as
  • whereas


I wish it would stop raining so that I _____ outside.


  • could have gone
  • had gone
  • could go
  • went


I found my friends seated _____ the front row of the theater.


  • at
  • on
  • up
  • in


How _____ to repair six computers in an hour?


  • did you manage
  • managed you
  • you did manage
  • you managed


Seeing this snow globe reminds me _____ to Clear Lake every winter with my family.


  • to go
  • of going
  • for going
  • go


_____ it’s true that more trees need to be planted, there is still enough shade for the swimming pool.


  • While
  • So
  • Nevertheless
  • Because


Joseph wasn’t home when you went to visit him, _____ he?


  • wasn’t
  • did
  • didn’t
  • was


The concert started late, _____ annoyed a lot of people.


  • where
  • which
  • that
  • there


How many documents _____ yesterday?


  • did you have to sign
  • you had to sign
  • had you to sign
  • you did sign


Let’s hope Ms. Noor finds a good job _____ she goes.


  • whatever
  • wherever
  • whatever
  • whoever


The addition of a new rail line has made the northern part of the city much more _____.


  • accessible
  • convenient
  • available
  • eligible


Jason discovered the small piece of metal in the engine _____ was causing all the problems.


  • that
  • who
  • it
  • what


Mr. Faisal said that he _____ David since yesterday morning.


  • didn’t see
  • hasn’t seen
  • wasn’t seeing
  • hadn’t seen


Ms. Cepeda’s designs were _____ detailed that there was no need to revise them.


  • as
  • much
  • so
  • more


Rebecca forgave Jason _____ not contacting her for six months.


  • for
  • from
  • of
  • in


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?


  • The tallest man who was from Sweden introduced me to Jennifer.
  • The tallest man, who was from Sweden introduced me to Jennifer.
  • The tallest man who was from Sweden, introduced me to Jennifer.
  • The tallest man, who was from Sweden, introduced me to Jennifer.


OLP airlines is looking for _____ with _____ in international flight.


  • pilots, experience
  • the pilots, experience
  • pilots, the experience
  • the pilots, the experience


I wish George _____ me about the bad acoustics in the room before I took the stage.


  • had warned
  • warned
  • will warn
  • would warn


The lifetime warranty only _____ to tools that have not been refurbished.


  • works
  • gives
  • donates
  • applies


Unfortunately, there wasn’t _____ left after the picnic.


  • any bread
  • some bread
  • a bread
  • the bread


The doorman won’t allow you to enter _____ you provide identification.


  • unless
  • as long as
  • so
  • without


What would you have done if Ms. Adams _____ the package unopened?


  • returned
  • has returned
  • returns
  • had returned


Melissa was the only one _____ managed to finish the examination on time.


  • which
  • who
  • when
  • she


The hotel _____ we had our company retreat was very clean.


  • where
  • which
  • that
  • what


It took Walter an hour to figure _____ where he had parked his car.


  • out
  • up
  • over
  • in


_____ Igor go every day after he finishes work?


  • When
  • What does
  • Where does
  • How


Let’s listen _____ what Mr. Freund says about increasing our revenue.


  • at
  • for
  • in
  • to


Would it make _____ if I leave tonight instead of early in the morning?


  • a difference
  • the difference
  • an difference
  • difference


It was _____ flight that kept us in _____ for 12 hours.


  • the long, the air
  • long, air
  • a long, the air
  • an long, an air


You need to use a gauge to figure out how much _____ is in your tires.


  • the air
  • an air
  • a air
  • air


The _____ of money required to rebuild the engine is more than a new one would cost.


  • number
  • result
  • amount
  • size


Sales of the heavy coats have been _____ slow in the summer.


  • predictably
  • predicting
  • predicted
  • predictable


Deliveries from SpeedCo are _____ punctual.


  • reliably
  • reliable
  • rely
  • relying


We never know if Ms. Lee is going to arrive at the office _____ time.


  • at
  • for
  • on
  • over


The steel _____ from our plant in Germany increased by 17% last year.


  • number
  • amount
  • quantity
  • output


Do you know if Roger got _____ he applied for _____ week?


  • job, last
  • the job, last
  • job, the last
  • the job, a last


Most of the antiques in the shop are in excellent _____.


  • quality
  • value
  • condition
  • worth


Peter saw Rebecca crossing the street when he was stopped _____ the traffic light.


  • at
  • on
  • in
  • with


Ms. Okung insisted _____ for my dinner last night.


  • in paying
  • to pay
  • on paying
  • pay


Ms. Kittle brings two forms of identification with her _____ she goes.


  • whoever
  • whatever
  • wherever
  • however


There was an unexpected guest at the conference, _____ an extra chair was brought in.


  • while
  • although
  • so
  • because


The bicycle will have to be _____ so that it can fit into a shipping crate.


  • repainted
  • dismantled
  • repaired
  • demolished


Yuko doesn’t like to spend money _____ jewelry or cars.


  • with
  • over
  • for
  • on


I don’t understand why the 3:10 train from Mumbai _____ yet.


  • didn’t arrive
  • isn’t arriving
  • hasn’t arrived
  • won’t arrive


Tomorrow Ms. Rogers will tell us _____ she has decided to do.


  • which
  • who
  • what
  • how


If we take the 9:30 flight, we _____ too late.


  • will arrive
  • arrive
  • would arrive
  • would have arrived


Mr. Lanza has a very _____ attitude for such a young man.


  • maturing
  • matured
  • maturation
  • mature


_____ ever seen the Northern Lights?


  • You have
  • You did
  • Have you
  • Did you


_____ of the six people who attended the concert stayed until the final song.


  • No one
  • Neither
  • No
  • None


Responses to our new package design have been _____ positive.


  • overwhelm
  • overwhelmingly
  • overwhelmed
  • overwhelming


I sometimes visit my grandmother in Prague, _____ is quite close to my home.


  • which
  • that
  • she
  • where


While Mr. Yoo was painting the bedroom, Mr. Kerr _____ furniture from the living room.


  • was removing
  • had removed
  • removed
  • had removed


Would you be interested ____ working for the government?


  • about
  • to
  • for
  • in


You didn’t have to carry your passport with you, _____?


  • you did
  • you had
  • had you
  • did you


When _____ to tell us what our next assignment is going to be?


  • Tom is going
  • Tom will
  • Tom goes
  • is Tom going


What is _____ ocean in _____?


  • largest, world
  • the largest, the world
  • a largest, world
  • an largest, a world


Ms. Baker found the conference to be rather _____.


  • bore
  • boring
  • bored
  • boringly


I washed your t-shirt because it was _____.


  • oil
  • oily
  • oiled
  • oils


_____ Mr. Smith _____ Ms. Brown could chaperone the dance.


  • Whether, or
  • Neither, nor
  • Rather, than
  • Not only, but


We need to clean up and put everything in ____ place.


  • it
  • its
  • it’s
  • its’


Which sentence is correct?


  • Because Gary practices every day, so he is a great pianist.
  • Because Gary practices every day, so is a great pianist.
  • Because Gary practices every day, he is a great pianist.
  • Because Gary practices every day, as he is a great pianist.


I don’t know where I left ___ keys.


  • mine
  • my
  • me
  • I


Everyone laughed when the cat climbed ____ the stage.


  • onto
  • out
  • for
  • at


Do you know _____ the boys have left yet?


  • why
  • when
  • if
  • where


How long is your commute to work ____


  • .
  • !
  • ?
  • ,


“I can help,____ said Mrs. Wilson.


  • ,
  • .
  • ;


If we close the store now, _____ we lose money?


  • will
  • what
  • who
  • why


Bobby was frequently late for work, ____ he received a great performance review.


  • yet
  • for
  • so
  • while


Randy pretended ______ the meal even though he dislikes broccoli.


  • to enjoy
  • enjoying
  • on enjoying
  • for enjoying


One of the main symptoms of the virus is _____.


  • nauseated
  • nausea
  • nauseous
  • disgust


Everyone will have a chance to say their ____ during the meeting.


  • peace
  • place
  • piece
  • chunk


In tonight’s game, the Celtics will play ____ the Bulls.


  • amidst
  • circa
  • against
  • unlike


Brad said he’d like to ride ____ us.


  • at
  • via
  • in accordance with
  • with


The textbook is ____ world history and geography.


  • on
  • about
  • on account of
  • with


James has to start over because he cleaned his room _____.


  • sloppy
  • sloppily
  • sloppier
  • sloppiest


Neither Phoebe ____ Rachel admitted to breaking the glass.


  • nor
  • for
  • either
  • and


I haven’t seen Joanna ____ last Friday.


  • from
  • on
  • since
  • at


Mrs. Briar chose ____ for the job.


  • me
  • I
  • my
  • myself


Which van should we take – ____ or ours?


  • they’re’s
  • there’s
  • theirs
  • theirs’


____ project won first place in the competition.


  • Mine
  • Me
  • My
  • Myself


We could drive instead _______ an Uber.


  • of taking
  • of take
  • on taking
  • take


Carl and ___ are the only chaperones for the field trip.


  • me
  • I
  • my
  • mine


The band started playing after _____.


  • you went
  • you are leaving
  • you were leaving
  • you left


Which of these coats is ____?


  • yours
  • yours’
  • your’s
  • your’s’


The orchestra’s holiday performance was just _____.


  • delightful
  • delighted
  • delight
  • delighting


The girl with the _____ hair is Jenny.


  • curl
  • curling
  • curly
  • curled


I still need to ____ out my ideas for the book.


  • flush
  • flesh
  • rinse
  • let


Where ______ purchased?


  • was the coat
  • the coat was
  • coat was the
  • was coat the


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?


  • Their slogan says, “The best barbecue in town.”
  • Their slogan says “The best barbecue in town.”
  • Their slogan says; “The best barbecue in town.”
  • Their slogan says. “The best barbecue in town.”


When Dylan was young, he dreamed ___ becoming a firefighter.


  • of
  • over
  • off
  • in


Paul threw out the bottle because he _______ it was yours.

  • won’t know
  • didn’t know
  • doesn’t know
  • won’t have known


I anticipate ______ the project complete by Tuesday.


  • to have
  • having
  • of having
  • for having


_____ are sharing one hotel suite for the entire trip.


  • They
  • Them
  • Themselves
  • Their


You will only get a promotion if ______ hard.


  • you would work
  • you could work
  • you work
  • you would have worked


When Mauricio ____ through the front door, everyone will yell, “Surprise!”


  • walked
  • will walk
  • walks
  • walk


Are you interested ______ us for dinner?


  • joining
  • of joining
  • in joining
  • in join

The audience doesn’t care ______ questions.


  • for asking
  • to ask
  • on asking
  • asking


This basketball needs more air because it’s not ____ enough.


  • bounce
  • bounced
  • bouncing
  • bouncy


Briana will clean the kitchen _____ Edward vacuums the rugs.


  • while
  • though
  • as if
  • whereas


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

  • My parents’ new car has more modern features than your parents’.
  • My parent’s new car has more modern features than your parents.
  • My parents’ new car has more modern features than your parents.
  • My parents new car has more modern features than your parents’.

For our homework, we have to listen ____ a podcast.

  • to
  • in
  • on
  • for


Every driver must show proof of ____ insurance.

  • they
  • them
  • they’re
  • their

When ______ the good news?


  • will Sherrie share
  • Sherrie will share
  • will share Sherrie
  • share will Sherrie

_____ it rains _____ not, the show must go on.


  • Whether, or
  • Neither, nor
  • Just as, so
  • Both, and

What meal ______ when she got sick?

  • eating was April
  • April was eating
  • was April eating
  • eating April was


John refuses to try anything new because he’s risk-_____.

  • averse
  • adverse
  • reluctant
  • afraid


I have three items in my backpack ____ a book, a pen, and my wallet.


  • :
  • .
  • ?
  • ;


____ almost time for us to leave.

  • Its
  • Its’
  • It’s’
  • It’s

We will spend the afternoon at the job _____.

  • cite
  • sight
  • site
  • place

_____ is one of my favorite pastimes.

  • Reading
  • To read
  • To have read
  • Of reading


I love ham sandwiches ____ only on rye bread.

  • but
  • and
  • or
  • so


______ seen any good TV shows lately?

  • You did
  • Did you
  • You have
  • Have you


The committee is interested _______ your thoughts.

  • to hearing
  • for hearing
  • in hearing
  • on hearing


There isn’t ____ space in the car for four more people.

  • many
  • enough
  • various
  • several


Jenny is so young, ____ she has accomplished so much.

  • so
  • yet
  • if
  • or


After dinner, no one ______ to load the dishwasher.

  • has wanted
  • wanted
  • is wanting
  • wanting


Brendan was sent home early for behaving ______.

  • inappropriate
  • inappropriately
  • inappropriateness
  • bad


She and ____ will meet you at 7 p.m.

  • I
  • me
  • mine
  • myself


You can’t use your cell phone once you’re _____ the plane.

  • onto
  • above
  • out
  • aboard


____ is broken and we need to buy ____ new one.

  • Phone, the
  • The phone, a
  • The phone, the
  • Phone, a


Because of the snow, the bus ______ yet.

  • isn’t arriving
  • isn’t arrived
  • wasn’t arrived
  • hasn’t arrived


The group is _____ of three experienced doctors.

  • composed
  • made
  • embodied
  • comprised


Jasmine learned _______ five languages when she was a child.

  • to speak
  • speaking
  • of speaking
  • in speaking


______ if I adjust the thermostat?

  • Mind would you
  • You would mind
  • Would you mind
  • Would mind you


Do you know _____ this door is locked?

  • what
  • why
  • who
  • when


You need a good sense of _____ to enjoy the TV show.

  • humor
  • the humor
  • a humor
  • an humor


The office needs an assistant ____ takes initiative.

  • who
  • whom
  • which
  • that


Matthias has to work early tomorrow, but he is happy ______ tonight.

  • on going out
  • for going out
  • to go out
  • to going out


The meteorologist urged everyone to drive _____ after the storm.

  • slowly
  • slow
  • slowest
  • slowing


Jackie _____ the actor to ask for his autograph.

  • approached
  • approaching
  • approach
  • will have approached


Dinner didn’t start until 9 p.m. because everyone was ____ late.

  • too
  • such
  • so
  • much


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

  • Julie’s’ house is the blue one on the left.
  • Julies house is the blue one on the left.
  • Julies’ house is the blue one on the left.
  • Julie’s house is the blue one on the left.


Does he like to _____ music in his spare time?

  • compose
  • comprise
  • construct
  • form


I yearn _____ a vacation after this difficult semester.

  • on taking
  • to take
  • for taking
  • taking


Who is _____ leader in ______?

  • the oldest, world
  • oldest, world
  • oldest, the world
  • the oldest, the world

Are you the person in charge here ____

  • .
  • ,
  • ;
  • ?


If you ____ at the gifts, you’ll ruin the surprise.

  • peak
  • peek
  • pick
  • see


After the next presentation, let’s take a ______.

  • break
  • brake
  • rift
  • interruption


Sue had only positive things to say _____ our party.

  • for
  • about
  • as
  • on

Christine didn’t like pickles, _____ she ate one anyway.

  • for
  • so
  • while
  • but


When I graduated from college, I ______ to New York City.

  • had moved
  • would move
  • moved
  • will move


Please walk ____ while you move the vase across the room.

  • careful
  • care
  • carefully
  • caring


What _______ to you?

  • does art mean
  • art does mean
  • mean does art
  • does mean art


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